
सूची दर्ता सम्बन्धी सूचना

         सूचना प्रकाशित मिति: २०८१/१०/०४

एसओएस बालग्राम जोरपाटीअन्तर्गत सञ्चालित विभिन्न परियोजना र कार्यक्रमका लागि चालु आ.व. २०२५ मा आवश्यक पर्ने तल उल्लिखित सामान तथा सेवाहरूको खरिद तथा आपूर्ति कार्यका लागि खरिद नियमावली बमोजिम अध्यावधिक गरिने सूचीमा समावेश हुन इच्छुक सम्बन्धित कार्य गर्न स्वीकृति प्राप्त योग्य व्यक्ति, संस्था वा कम्पनीलाई यो सूचना प्रकाशित भएको मितिले ३० दिनभित्र यस कार्यालयको खरिद शाखामा सूची दर्ता गराउन अनुरोध गर्दै यो सूचना प्रकाशित गरिएको छ।


. सूची दर्ता गर्नुपर्ने समूहहरू :

  • भान्सा (भाँडावर्तन सहित), दैनिक खाद्य सामग्री, दूध, अण्डा, मासु, फलफूल, तरकारी, चामल, दाल, नुन, खाने तेल, चिनी, चियापत्ती, साबुन तथा अन्य सामग्रीहरू, क्याटरिङ सेवा र प्रसाधन (ट्वाइलेट) सरसफाइ सामग्री तथा सेवा।
  • ग्यास तथा पानी आपूर्ति सेवा।
  • कपडा, झोला, विद्यालय पोशाक, जुत्ता तथा घरायसी लत्ताकपडा (सिरक, डस्ना, खोल, तन्ना, पर्दा, कार्पेट आदि)।
  • मुद्रण तथा छपाईका सामग्रीहरू, स्टेशनरी, मसला, पत्रपत्रिका, पाठ्यपुस्तक, खेलकुदका सामान तथा खेलौनाहरू।
  • निर्माण, मर्मत तथा सम्भार सामग्री (सिमेन्ट, छड, ईंटा, बालुवा, रोडा, मार्बल, टायल, पाइप आदि) तथा सेवा।
  • काठ तथा मेटल फर्निचर, फिक्सचर, फर्निसिङ र सोको मर्मत सम्भार।
  • ग्रिल/वेल्डिङ, हार्डवेयरका सामग्रीहरू तथा रंगरोगनसम्बन्धी सामग्री तथा सेवा।
  • विद्युतीकरण, विजुलीसम्बन्धी उपकरण तथा मर्मत सेवाहरू।
  • यु.पी.एस., फोटोकपी मेसिन मर्मत तथा पार्ट्स, कार्ट्रिज, इन्टरनेटसम्बन्धी सामग्री तथा सेवा।
  • इन्टरनेट सेवा प्रदायकहरू।
  • कम्प्युटर, ल्यापटप, आईटी उपकरण, इलेक्ट्रोनिक सामग्री तथा सेवा।
  • फोटो धुलाई सेवा, क्यामेरा तथा लेन्स, फोटोग्राफी, भिडियोग्राफी, फ्लेक्स प्रिन्ट, विज्ञापन, डिजाइन, मुद्रण, प्रकाशन एवं प्रचार सामग्री तथा सेवा।
  • सफ्टवेयर: लेखा, व्यवस्थापन, र मानव संसाधन सफ्टवेयर सेवा प्रदायकहरू।
  • क्यामेरा उपकरण, स्पिकर आदि भाडामा उपलब्ध गराउने सेवा प्रदायकहरु ।
  • सवारी साधनका पार्टपुर्जा, टायर, ट्युब, पेट्रोलियम पदार्थ (पेट्रोल, डिजेल, ग्यास) तथा लुब्रिकेन्ट।
  • सवारी साधनको रंगरोगन तथा मर्मत सम्भार (२ र ४ पाङ्ग्रे)।
  • औषधि, प्याथोलोजी तथा चिकित्सा सेवा।
  • थेरापी सेवा : Physio, Occupational, Speech, Sound & Music, Art, Yoga, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)।
  • बिमा सेवा (दुर्घटना तथा स्वास्थ्य सहित)।
  • सोलार, गिजर, फिल्टर, टेलिभिजन, रेफ्रिजेरेटर खरिद तथा मर्मत।
  • भूमिगत व्यवस्थापन (खानेपानी, ढल निकास, विद्युतीकरण, अग्नि नियन्त्रण तथा केवल नेटवर्क)।
  • आन्तरिक तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय टिकट सेवा (बस तथा हवाई)।
  • कुरियर सेवा (राष्ट्रिय तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय)।
  • एनिमेसन, जिंगल उत्पादन, एफएम रेडियो तथा टेलिभिजनमार्फत सूचना तथा सन्देश प्रसारण।
  • सवारी साधन भाडा।
  • वार्षिक मर्मत सम्भार (Annual Maintenance Contract) सेवा।


. सूची दर्ताका लागि निवेदनसँग पेश गर्नुपर्ने कागजातहरू:

  • नाम, ठेगाना, सम्पर्क नम्बर र फर्मको छाप अनिवार्य रूपमा समावेश गरी पेश गर्नुपर्ने।
  • उल्लेखित सामग्रीहरूमध्ये पूर्ण वा आंशिक रूपमा सामग्री तथा सेवा आपूर्ति गर्न आवेदन पत्र र प्रस्ताव पत्र।
  • फर्म वा कम्पनी दर्ता तथा व्यावसाय इजाजतपत्रको प्रतिलिपि (नविकरण सहित)।
  • सञ्चालक वा निर्देशकको नेपाली नागरिकताको प्रमाणपत्रको प्रतिलिपि।
  • आन्तरिक राजस्व कार्यालयमा दर्ता (PAN/VAT) प्रमाणपत्रको प्रतिलिपि।
  • आ.व. २०८०/२०८१ सम्मको कर चुक्ता वा दाखिला प्रमाण।


प्राप्त दर्ता पत्रहरू स्वीकृत गर्ने, अस्वीकृत गर्ने, वा आंशिक रूपमा स्वीकृत गर्ने सम्पूर्ण अधिकार एसओएस बालग्राम जोरपाटीअन्तर्गतको खरिद समितिमा निहित रहनेछ।


एसओएस बालग्राम जोरपाटी

सम्पर्क : ०१ ४९१०६९१




Request for quotation

SOS Children's Villages Nepal invites interested vendors to submit sealed quotations for the supply of the items listed below: 


Toner Cartridge for HP LaserJet M751



W2000X (Black)




W2002X (Yellow)


W2003X (Magenta)


W2000A (Black)


W2001A (Cyan)


Toner Cartridge for HP LaserJet M651



CF 331 A (Cyan)


CF 332 A (Yellow)


CF 333 A (Magenta)


When submitting quotations, it is essential to provide photocopies of the following listed documents:

  • Company registration (renewed) 
  • PAN certificate 
  • Tax clearance certificate (Current) 
  • Authorised distributor certificate

The deadline to submit quotations is Monday, May 13, 2024, by 5:00 PM.

If additional information is required, please send your inquiry to the dedicated email address:

The designated location to submit sealed quotation:

SOS Children’s Villages Nepal

National Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Phone number: +977 1 6630391

Note: Quotations received after the deadline will not be considered. SOS Children’s Villages Nepal reserves the right to accept/reject submissions and make the final decision without assigning reasons whatsoever. 



Call for Expression of Interest 

Date of Publication: December 3, 2023

 SOS Children's Villages Nepal, a non-governmental social development organisation, supports children without parental care and families in difficult living conditions through services in care, education, health and emergency relief. We advocate for the rights of children and young people, in alliance with a great diversity of partners. We offer a secure and friendly work environment and are committed to safeguarding the rights of children by having zero tolerance policy in this regard. We are further committed to providing a safe environment for coworkers and children, young people and adults with whom we work, where human rights are respected and upheld, and healthy relations are fostered by building organisational systems, capacity, and awareness on our Child Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct. We are now inviting proposals for the engagement of an actuarial firm to conduct an actuarial valuation.

Service for actuarial valuation for the year 2023, 2024 and 2025

  • Pension of retired mothers  and aunts
  • Medical benefits of retired caregivers
  • Housing facilities of retired caregivers
  • Gratuity for caregivers
  • Accumulated leave of all  coworkers

SOS Children's Villages Nepal is seeking proposals from proficient and experienced Actuarial firms with a demonstrated record of accomplishment in conducting Actuarial valuations for NGOs/INGOs. The organisation is interested in engagements for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025. We cordially invite interested parties to submit their proposals, along with the necessary documents, via email to by no later than Monday, December 18, 2023.


Required documents

  • Registration documents
  • Actuarial certificate and legal documents with renewal
  • Profile of firm and CV of experts with working experiences with NGOs/INGOs
  • Financial proposal

SOS Children’s Villages Nepal reserves all the right to accept or reject one or all EOI proposals without assigning any reason whatsoever with its sole discretion.


Terms of Reference (ToR) for the production of animation video to create awareness on various forms of child abuse

Date of Publication: 31 July, 2023


1. Background 

SOS Children's Villages Nepal, a non-governmental social development organisation, supports children without parental care and families in difficult living conditions through services in care, education, health, and emergency relief. We advocate for the rights of children and young people, in alliance with a great diversity of partners. We offer a secure and friendly work environment and are committed to safeguarding the rights of the children by having zero tolerance policy in this regard. We are further committed to providing a safe environment for staff and children, young people and adults with whom we work, where human rights are respected and upheld, and healthy relations are fostered by building organisational systems, capacity, and awareness on our Child Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct.


2. Objective       

Production of Animation Video to create awareness on various forms of child abuse

The main objective of this consultancy assignment is to produce an animation video for the purpose of raising awareness, sensitizing and educating different groups of audiences on various forms of child abuse, including physical, emotional, sexual, and neglect. Similarly, it seeks to encourage open dialogue and foster a collective responsibility towards protecting children from potential abuse and harm.

Other objectives are: 

- To raise awareness about the various forms of child abuse, including physical, emotional, sexual, and neglect, and their impact on children’s lives.

- To educate the stakeholders by providing information on the signs of child abuse, the importance of reporting suspicions or incidents, and the available resources for victims and their families.

- To provide valuable information on recognizing and addressing potential signs of child abuse, along with parenting strategies that promote healthy development.

- To utilise storytelling techniques and real-life case studies to create empathy among viewers, enabling them to better understand the experiences and challenges faced by abused children.

- To highlight proactive measures that individuals, families, and communities can take to prevent child abuse and create safe environments for children to thrive.


3. Production process and deliverables: 

Key deliverables

- Identify the best animation video contents, format, length and the characters for the video of preferable length- 3-5 minutes in Nepali language with English subtitles. 

- An animation Video of 3D type that covers the agreed contents and characters and meets the the format and the length.


4. Period for the completion of the task: 

­     28th August 2023 – 20th October 2023

Strategic Interventions/ Process to meet the deliverables

-       Inception meeting with the project team

  • Discuss and brainstorm the concept of animation video [visual style (narration, music, plots) + contents + influential character + coverage areas/theme]

-        Finalisation of the overall concept and plans

  • A detail work plan on characters, key messaging ideas, contents, and quality of the video, length, and rationale for the identified tools)
  • The developed process of Motion 3D animation should carry the following approval from the team:
  • The script, Voice Over Recording (Script), Style Frame, Storyboard, and Animation

-        Scripts/storyboard outline for approval before proceeding

-        Package and delivery

  • Final formats of 4 videos 1) HD version, 2) non-HD version, and 3) Web-ready version
  • Archive package of all usable footage including production design files and B roll.

 Closing workshop (Organise by the project team with the consultant)- Virtually

  • Identify dissemination platforms to reach out to the public
  • Dissemination strategies/frequencies
  • Further recommendations for the project team

 Develop the animation project that aligns with the brand narrative of SOS Children’s Villages 

  • Colours: Uses of SOS Children’s Villages’ Brand
  • Specific styles: The soft learning sharing animation or visual style that can diffuse the message.


5. Reporting Line

The Consultant will work in close coordination with the National Child Safeguarding Focal Person and Communication Manager of SOS Children’s Villages Nepal.


6. Required Qualifications and Experience

The consultancy firm will be required to have:

- Minimum 3 years’ experience in animation and normal video production, both in production and post-production for the development organisation and also for national and international standards.

- Extensive experience in Pre- Production, Production and Post- Production of Animation, documentaries on Child Protection and Child Safeguarding, Social Norms, GBVs, Audiovisual stories of change, etc.

- Must have a proven track record in all required areas of production (including scriptwriting, planning, cinematography, editing and mixing)

- Proven Knowledge in storytelling and producing documentaries for national, international and local development organisations, preferably on social norms or behavioural change

- Ability to innovate the concept and outstand the product among the competitive consumer market

- Well-equipped with updated software and hardware to ensure smooth and high-quality production

- Worked on the various thematic areas of Child Safeguarding and Child Protection

- Have worked for the productions that reflect positive effects on human life by using the arts, education, and knowledge transfer


7. Duration of Assignment

Expected start date of task is 28th August, 2023 and the expected date of completion is 20th October, 2023. The consultant will submit a detailed work plan schedule which will be approved by SOS Children’s Villages Nepal. 


8. Remuneration and Payment Procedures

The consultancy firm’s payment will be based on the financial proposal developed for this consultancy.

Payment will be made upon the delivery of the details in below-mentioned proportions

- Detailed proposal with storyboard and work plan - 20% 

- First draft video documents – 30% 

- Final documents – 50% 


9. Intellectual Property

The contract will be work for hire. Therefore, all planning and work products and all final outputs of this project will be the property of SOS Children’s Villages Nepal. Except for the purposes of this assignment, no information about the planning or production of the video may be disclosed or used by the consultant without the written permission of SOS Children’s Villages Nepal. 


10. Logistics and Quality Assurance Procedures

- The production house is required to set out their approach to ensuring complete compliance with international good practice with regard to ethics and protocols, particularly with regard to safeguarding children, vulnerable groups, and those in fragile and conflict-affected states. Consideration should be given to:

- Administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the confidentiality of those participating in the News and Article related issues.

- DO NO HARM to any lingual, sex, culture or sovereignty with the content.

- Data protection and secure maintenance procedures for personal information.


11. Application Procedure

Interested consultancy firms are required to submit the following:

- Letter of interest

- A technical proposal that includes objectives and methods with a detailed timeline.

- At least two samples of previous productions in line with the technical and creative requirements of the project- Links to the YouTube or cloud-based platforms (Private or public link)

- Financial proposal indicating consultancy fee and a breakdown of expenses.

- Copy of company registration certificate

- Copy of PAN/VAT registration certificate

- Latest Tax Clearance Certificate FY 079/80


Interested and eligible Consultancy Firms are requested to submit their letter of interest along with required documents as mentioned-above to email ID:  no later than 15th August 2023. 





Call for Expression of Interest 

Date of Publication: 18 June, 2023


SOS Children's Villages Nepal, a non-governmental social development organisation, supports children without parental care and families in difficult living conditions through services in care, education, health and emergency relief. We advocate for the rights of children and young people, in alliance with a great diversity of partners. We offer a secure and friendly work environment and are committed to safeguarding the rights of the children by having zero tolerance policy in this regard. We are further committed to providing a safe environment for staff and children, young people and adults with whom we work, where human rights are respected and upheld, and healthy relations are fostered by building organisational systems, capacity, and awareness on our Child Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct. We are now inviting proposals for the engagement of an audit firm to conduct an audit.

       Internal audit for 2023

SOS Children's Villages Nepal invites proposals from qualified and experienced Chartered Accountant firms with prior experience in auditing NGOs/INGOs and a substantial portfolio. We kindly request you to submit your proposal along with the required documents via email to no later than Monday, 2nd July 2023.

Required documents

  • ICAN registration documents
  • VAT certificate and legal documents with renewal
  • Profile of firm and CV of experts with working experiences with NGOs/INGOs
  • Documents of affiliation with internationally recognized audit firm
  • Audit implementation process and quality control mechanism
  • Indicate annual internal audit fees in NPR

SOS Children’s Villages Nepal reserves all the right to accept or reject one or all EOI proposals without assigning any reason whatsoever with its sole discretion.


दरभाऊ बोलपत्र को लागि आह्वान सूचना

प्रथमपटक प्रकाशित मिति– २०८०-०२-१५  

एसओएस बालग्राम नेपालका परियोजनाहरु - एसओएस बालग्राम जोरपाटीको सानोठिमी अवस्विथित प्रोजेक्ट विस्तारित परिवार गृह मा वर्षाको पानी निकासा एवं भवन वरपरको माटोको सुदृढीकरणको लागि, सो प्रोजेक्टमा ह्यूम पाइप जड़ान, ढूँगाको रीटेनिंग वालको निर्माण कार्यको आवश्यकता भएको हुनाले, सो कार्य सम्पादनका लागि इच्छुक स्विकृति प्राप्त निर्माण कम्पनीहरुलाई आवश्यक कागजपत्रका साथमा तालिका अनुसारका सामानहरुको दरभाउ बोलपत्र पेश गर्न का लागि सार्वजनिक खरिद प्रकृयाको लागि आह्वान गरिएको छ ।    


आवश्यक कागजपत्रहरुः  

  1. संस्थाको छोटो विवरण; 
  2. सम्बन्धित व्यक्तिको नाम, ठेगान ईमेल  मोबाईल नम्बर; 
  3. संस्था दर्ता प्रमाणपत्र तथा नविकरण गरिएको प्रमाणपत्र प्रतिलिपि; 
  4. पान/भ्याट दर्ता तथा नविकरण आ.व २०७८/७९ को कर चुक्ता प्रमाणपत्र प्रतिलिपि;
  5. संस्थाको ढाँचामा भरिएको दरभाउ (website link मा दिईएको BoQ); र  
  6. सामान निर्माण गर्न लाग्ने अनुमानित समय।


बुझाउने प्रकृयाः 

आवश्यक कागजपत्रहरु एवं website link मा दिईएको BoQ भरी, खाममा राखी सिलबन्दी गरी ‘जल निकासा एवं ढुंगाको गारो’ लेखी एसओएस बालग्राम नेपालको केन्द्रिय कार्यालय सानोथिमीमा बुझाउने।  


बुझाउने अंतिम मिति:  

पहिलो पटक प्रकाशित मितिबाट सातौ दिन, अर्थात २०८०-०२-२१ दिउसो ४ बजे सम्म।


संस्थाको ठेगानाः 

एसओएस बालग्राम नेपाल  

केन्द्रिय कार्यालय 

सानोथिमी, भक्तपुर 

फोनः 977-1-6630391 




सबै वा आंशिक दरभाउ स्विकृत गर्ने वा रद्द गर्ने निर्णय एसओएस बालग्राममा निहित रहनेछ । 


Click here to download BoQ

Download by clicking here Drawing
Download by clicking here BoQ
Download by clicking here Bid Document





 Quotation for HP Laser Jet Printing Material 

Deadline for Submitting Quotation - Extended to 24 May 2023

SOS Children's Villages Nepal invites interested vendors to submit quotations for the supply of the items listed below: 


Toner for HP Laser 


Jet M 751 

Item Name 



W2000 X 



W2001 X 



W2002 X 



W2003 X 




Particulars for HP Laser 


Jet M 651 

Item Name 


Transfer Kit CE249A 


Fuser Kit 110V – CE246A 


Item Name 


HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M479fdw  



While submitting quotations, it is mandatory to include a scanned copy or photocopy of below-mentioned documents: 

  1. Company registration (renewed) 
  1. PAN Certificate 
  1. Tax Clearance Certificate (Current) 

Quotation can be submitted via email to 

In addition to online submissions, vendors may also submit their quotations in the form of hard copy to the reception of the SOS Children's Villages Nepal, National Office in Sanothimi, Bhaktapur.  

Previous deadline for submitting quotation was 14th May 2023 Sunday (5:00 PM).

The deadline for submitting quotation has been extended to 24 May 2023, Wednesday (5:00 PM).

If additional information is required, please send your inquiry to the dedicated email address mentioned above. 

Note: Quotations received after the deadline will not be considered. SOS Children’s Villages Nepal reserves the right to accept/reject submissions and make the final decision without assigning reasons whatsoever. 



सूची दर्ता तथा टेण्डरको लागि आह्वान

प्रथमपटक प्रकाशित मिति: २०८०-०१-१२

एसओएस बालग्राम नेपालका परियोजनाहरु एसओएस बालग्राम जोरपाटीको सानोठिमी अवस्विथित विस्तारित परिवार गृह तथा एस‍ओएस बालग्राम काभ्रेको आमा अवकाश गृहको लागि फर्निचर, फर्निसिङ्ग, ईलेक्ट्रिक उपकरणहरु तथा भान्छाका सामाग्रीहरुको आवश्यकता परेको हुँदा सो सामानका स्विकृति प्राप्त निर्माताहरु, वितरकहरु तथा विक्रेताहरुमा आवश्यक कागजपत्रका साथमा तालिका अनुसारका सामानहरुको दरभाउ टेण्डर तथा सूची दर्ता गराउनको लागि आह्वान गरिएको छ ।   

आवश्यक सामानहरुलाई निम्न प्रकारमा विभाजन गरि सामानको प्रकृति अनुसार दरभाउ तथा सूची दर्ता गर्न आह्वान गरिएको छ ।

समूह . फर्निचर - सिलबन्दी गरिएको दरभाउ (तालिका बमोजिम)

समूह . फर्निसिङ्ग का सामाग्रीहरु - सूची दर्ता गरि दरभाउ मागिनेछ

समूह . ईलेक्ट्रिक सामाग्रीहरु - सूची दर्ता गरि दरभाउ मागिनेछ

समूह . भान्छाका सामाग्रीहरु - सूची दर्ता गरि दरभाउ मागिनेछ

ईजाजत प्राप्त संस्थाहरुले पहिलो पटक प्रकाशित मिति बाट १५ दिन भित्र टेण्डर तथा सूची दर्ताको लागि निम्न बमोजिम प्रमाणपत्रहरु का साथमा संस्थाको ढाँचामा दरभाउ पेश गर्नुपर्ने छ ।  

आवश्यक कागजपत्रहरुः

  • संस्थाको छोटो विवरण
  • सम्बन्धित व्यक्तिको नाम, ठेगान ईमेल  मोबाईल नम्बर
  • संस्था दर्ता प्रमाणपत्र तथा नविकरण गरिएको प्रमाणपत्र प्रतिलिपि
  • पान / भ्याट दर्ता तथा नविकरण आ.व २०७८/७९ को कर चुक्ता प्रमाणपत्र प्रतिलिपि
  • ढाँचामा भरिएको दरभाउ ( )
  • सामान बनाउन तथा पुर्याउन लाग्ने समय

Please find Bill of Quantity by clicking here  Bill of Quantity

बुझाउने प्रकृयाः

समूह क को लागि कागजपत्रहरु खाममा राखी सिलबन्दी गरी  ‘फर्निचरको लागि दरभाउ’ लेखी एसओएस बालग्राम नेपालको केन्द्रिय कार्यालय सानोठिमीमा बुझाउने तथा अन्य समूहका लागि सोही प्रकृया अथवा ईमेल मार्फत आवश्यक कागजपत्रहरु बुझाउने ।

संस्थाको ठेगानाः

एसओएस बालग्राम नेपाल

राष्ट्रिय कार्यालय

सानोठिमी, भक्तपुर

फोनः ९७७-१-६६३०३९१




सबै वा आंशिक दरभाउ स्विकृत गर्ने वा रद्द गर्ने निर्णय एसओएस बालग्राममा निहित रहनेछ ।

Expression of Interest for Vendor Vetting/Standing List

SOS Children’s Village Jorpati invites qualified, experienced vendors/suppliers to provide various goods and services for FY23 (1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023). Vendors/service providers interested in being listed in the vendor roster are requested to submit their Expression of Interest.


  1. Office equipment and IT hardware - Laptop, printer, LCD projector, UPS, photocopy machine, other IT equipment. 
  2. Repair and Maintenance Services/AMC: Air conditioners, fire extinguisher, electricity, solar system and battery, online UPS, plumbing, sewage, carpentry, and generator
  3. Portable Solar system of all types of solar equipment and devices
  4. Reconstruction Service: repair and maintenance of houses, office building 
  5. Waste Management Service: drainage maintenance, cleaning, gardening, cloth washing, bug management, etc
  6. Stationery-Office stationery supplies
  7. Grocery supplies - cleaning supplies, pantry/kitchen supplies and other grocery items 
  8. Furniture and furnishing fixtures - Supply of various furniture items and repairing.
  9. Printing, designing - Printing, publishing and designing works
  10. Vehicle Rental Service - Provide vehicle rental service in all provinces of Nepal
  11. Transportation -Transportation of goods
  12. Vehicle spare parts & repair and maintenance services
  13. Travel and Ticketing: Air tickets for domestic/international 
  14. Medical supplies - Medicines, medical and surgical supplies/equipment
  15. Office promotional items- Supply promotional items such as a bag, jacket, T-shirt, mug, souvenir, and other items
  16. Software - Accounting, Admin and HR software providers
  17. Insurance - Provide medical/accidental insurance to co-worker /dependent and ensure SOS Children’s Village Jorpati property/equipment.
  18. Advertisement - Advertising services, publication of job vacancies, EOI, press related works
  19. Videography and video development: Projects Videography and short video development

Interested vendors are requested to submit the following documents by 31 March 2023.

  1. Firm/Company profile,
  2. Clearly mention Address, contact no., email of firm/company and contact person. 
  3. Copy of valid firm/company registration certificate,
  4. Copy of VAT/PAN registered certificate, and 
  5. Latest tax clearance documents. 

Priority will be given to the VAT-registered certified Firms/Companies.

Submission Procedures: 

Soft Copy Submission: OR Hard Copy Submission: The hard copy documents should be enclosed in a sealed envelope with Subject-SOS Children’s Village Jorpati-vendor listing 2023 and mention the category you are interested in from the above list. Address -To, SOS Children’s Village Jorpati, Narayantar, Gokarneshower Ward No-6, Telephone No: +977-1-4910691. Please feel free to contact if you have any confusion or questions.

SOS Children’s Village Jorpati reserves the right to reject submissions and make the final selection decision.


Request for Proposal

SOS Children’s Villages Nepal invites proposals from certified/qualified firms/companies to conduct IS Audit of the Organization. Interested firms/companies are requested to send detail proposals (both technical and financial) for the same at within 15th November 2022.

RFP document for IS Audit can be downloaded here.

SOS Children’s Villages Nepal reserves the right to reject any or all proposals without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

Call for Expression of Interest

SOS Children’s Villages Nepal seeks proposals from qualified and experienced agency/firm registered in Nepal to submit proposals for Salary and Benefit Survey.Interested firms can submit proposal in writing through email as attachment (only PDF documents accepted) at no later than 21 October, 2022 Friday. The subject for email must be clearly marked “EOI for Salary and Benefits Survey”. Please find detailed Term of Reference by clicking here.

SOS Children’s Villages Nepal reserves the right to reject any or all proposals without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

Terms of Reference

SOS Children’s Villages Nepal would like to conduct Salary and Benefit Survey and compare the compensation package with like-minded organizations in order to evaluate whether there are significant differences in compensation package among other like-minded organizations and SOS Children’s Villages Nepal. In this regard, SOS Children’s Villages Nepal would like to hire a salary survey firm/agency. Qualified and experienced consulting firms legally registered in Nepal are invited to submit proposals for Salary and Benefits Survey.   


Duties and Responsibilities  

Scope of work: 

  1. The selected agency/ firm shall compile and suggest to the SOS Children’s Villages Nepal a list of organizations which may be considered as comparators, for the purpose of the survey, the list shall be subjected to final approval by management of SOS Children’s Villages Nepal.  

  1. Carry out a survey to compare SOS Children’s Villages Nepal salary  and  benefits with suitable social organizations (NGOs/INGOs) working in the country and recommend potential local benchmarking of the salary. 

  1. The analysis shall be done on Basic Monthly Remuneration, Gross Monthly Remuneration (including all allowances), and Annual Remuneration including all perquisites for each level compared in the survey. In addition to the comparison on the compensation, separate comparisons shall be done for the benefits (monetary and non- monetary benefits) offered by the peers / comparators in the market. 

  1. The survey result shall be presented with sector wise comparison under each element (Basic and Gross Annual) for all the job levels compared. 

  • Detailed job mapping of comparator organization using the size of operation, role profiles, job responsibilities/descriptions, education and organization structure to ensure grades/levels/positions are accurately mapped to SOS level/grade/ positions. 

  • Collect compensation and benefits information as detailed as possible with a mechanism to cross check data with secondary sources or earlier data collected. 

  • A detailed review of monetary and non-monetary salary and benefits provided to staff of the comparator organizations. 

  • Comparison of findings of the survey with the existing salaries and benefits paid by the organization. 

  • Review the other benefits paid to the staff vis-a-viz other comparable organization. 

  • Based on the above survey and analysis, provide recommendations on the salary, benefits including retirement benefits which will be used by the organization for revision in salary and other benefits. It includes strategic framework within which rational decisions can be made in response to changing organization structure and roles and to market rate pressures; and a logical and consistent approach to measuring the relative size of jobs within SOS Children’s Villages Nepal. 

  • Provide local benchmarking of the compensation package upon careful review and scrutiny of the compensation and benefits package of organizations of similar nature.  

Qualifications, Experiences and Skills 

The agency/firm must have competent and experienced human resources along with a team leader who has:  

  • Master’s Degree in law, statistics, labor economics, Human Resources Management or other related field. 

  • At least 5 years of relevant experience in the area of compensation and benefits for the international organisation and thorough knowledge and experience in labor law of Nepal. 

  • A minimum of three (3) similar assignments in the last 5 years.  

  • Understanding and experience of working internationally, across different countries and cultures  

  • Experience in human resource management and organizational development (OD) theory, methodology, and practices.  

  • Excellent analytical skills, and ability to understand and make logical and clear conclusions and recommendations from difficult/ chaotic situations. 

  • Proven record of achievements and significant expertise in mapping similar assessments and in the field of salary surveys, job analysis, job descriptions, job matching, and construction of salary scale 

  • The Consultant must be fluent in written and spoken English and Nepali. 

  • Previous working experience with diplomatic missions and international organisations. 

The proposal must include: 

  • Letter confirming interest and availability for duties and responsibilities outlined under the Terms of Reference (ToR).  

  • Brief concept on how the firm proposes to address the different tasks mentioned in the ToR. 

  • Legal documents in support of the legal status of the firm. 

  • Qualifications of the personnel deployed (CVs) in English containing date of birth, contact information (home address, phone number, e-mail) and timeline of work experience (including description of duties). Copies of diplomas and any other certificates providing evidence of their education and experience in relevant fields. 

  • Estimated financial proposal for Salary and Benefit Survey. 

  • Confirmation in writing by means of legally valid signature that: 

  • All information provided is true, accurate and complete. 

  • All required documents, enclosures and evidence are provided in their entity. 

Award Criteria: 

The following table shows the award criteria (AC) and the corresponding weightings, on the basis of which the proposals will be evaluated. 


Award Criteria 



Qualifications and experience of the proposed team (CVs, references) 



Understanding of the mandate   



Estimated financial proposal  






Interested firms can submit proposal in writing through email as attachment (only PDF documents accepted) at, no later than 21 October, 2022 Friday.  The subject for email must be clearly marked “EOI for Salary and Benefits Survey.”  

Incomplete information, missing documents, enclosures and evidence or false information/ documents may disqualify a firm from the award procedure.   

SOS Children’s Villages Nepal reserves the right to reject any or all proposals without assigning any reasons whatsoever. 

Call for Expression of Interest 

SOS Children’s Villages Nepal is a non - profit child focused social and non - government organization registered with the District Administration Office, Bhaktapur on 2045/09/22 B.S. The address of its registered office is Sanothimi, Madhapur – 2, Bhaktapur, Nepal. The organization was registered in the Social Welfare Council, Nepal on 29 July 1986 A.D. The organization runs 10 Children's Villages and related programs in thirteen districts of six provinces. These programs include 10 SOS Family Care, 10 SOS Youth Care, 7 SOS Educational Development Unit (registered as per the policy of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology), 1 SOS Employment and Entrepreneurship Training Center (CTEVT affiliate), 13 SOS Family Strengthening Programs, 1 Early Childhood Development, 1 Emergency Response Program and National Office.

SOS Children’s Villages Nepal calls proposal of engaging an audit firm for conducting;

  1. Annual calendar audit and Statutory audit in compliance with Government of Nepal
  2. Internal audit

SOS Children’s Villages Nepal calls proposal from qualified and experienced Chartered Accountants firms who have already involved in auditing of INGOs’ and having sizeable portfolio. We would like to request you to submit the proposal along with the following documents via email by Monday, 15 August 2022 at

  1. ICAN registration documents,
  2. VAT certificate and legal documents with renewal,
  3. Profile of firm and CV of experts with working experiences with INGOs,
  4. Documents of affiliation with internationally recognized audit firm,
  5. Audit implementation process and quality control mechanism,
  6. Indicate annual audits service fees in NPR for both audits (English Calendar and Nepali statutory of the fiscal year),
  7. Indicate annual internal audit fees in NPR.

Note: A firm interested in either of engagement as indicated above shall apply with separate proposal for each engagement.

The SOS Children’s villages Nepal reserves all the right to accept or reject one or all EOI proposals without assigning any reason whatsoever with its sole discretion.

Additional Mandatory Documents for Sealed Tender Quotations:




Company Registration Certificate


PAN/VAT Registration Certificate


Tax Clearance Certificate FY 2077/78


Authorized Dealership Certificate


Proposal Letter


Detail of device specification




Laptop (Type A)



Processor: Core i5 10th Gen or later






256GB SSD or 1 TB HDD



No genuine OS required


Other accessories:




3 Years


Preferred Brands

HP, Dell, Acer, Lenovo


Laptop (Type B)



Processor: Core i7 11th Gen









No genuine OS required


Other accessories:




3 Years


Preferred Brands

HP, Dell, Acer, Lenovo




Android Version

Android 10 or later


Screen Size

larger than 10 inches






64 GB





Manufacture Year









Preferred Brands

Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei


Smart  Board








Televison Set








Preferred Brands

LG, Samsung, Sony




CPU/ Processor

Core i5 10th gen or more



Not required






18" or more


Mouse + keyboard




3 YRS ( due to cost constraint, can be 1 year)





Preferred Brands

HP, Dell, Acer, Lenovo


Power backup system


Solar PV

(Total 1kWp)


Smart Charge

2kw/48V with bluetooth
connectivity for monitoring


Stackable Inverter

5kVA/48V with
dual AC input


Lead Acid Tubular Battery

150Ah@C10,12V (Total 4)



Aluminum Mounting Structure

Power sockets, MCB, MCB Box at
input and output , series and parallel
cables, wires and accessories


Change Over Swich

40A with box




Type of Camera

DSLR or Mirror less


Auto Focus point



Manual focus




Brand Dependent



Atleast 6400






Kit lense 18 - 55 mm (entry level)

Mid Range 55-200mm (suggested)

serious  wide angle or prime ( optional)


Lens cover




Camera strap

Battery Pack -1

Extra battery -1 (backup)

Battery Charger

Power cable for battery charger

Camera Bag


Memory Card capacity







LCD screen

3 inch






Full HD

Quick Focus Shift



C type, latest technology, , audio jack, Mic input, Wifi, touch screen etc.



canon  & Nikkon (preferred)


Image stabilization





9 Projector    












1080 P



More then 2500 lumens



3 years



Quantity : 20



 1300 VA

12 AMC For Kavre District